Friday, February 20, 2009

Tax time!

Yes folks, it's that time again. We stayed up until 2Am doing our taxes. What a relief to have them done. Also a relief not to have to pay anything this year. We're getting an OK refund this year! What oh what shall we do with all our wealth?? Maybe get some new furniture, do some projects around the house, sock some away for a rainy day??? I think not. I think we're going to try to pay off some of our credit card balances and maybe treat ourselves to some savings! Hope your TAX TIME goes as well as ours did.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The way to a mans heart......

Since quitting my job I've been busy around the house. Cooking and cleaning has never been so much fun. I love sleeping in, getting to do what I want when I want, and most of all being able to see my Grandgirls any day of the week! Yesterday I decided to make Chocolate Chip cookies. Mike had come home with a friend from the city and I was harassing them about getting off my land. He then asked me what I was doing and I proceeded to tell him I was baking Chocolate Chip cookies. They went back to work and I was left to my baking. I knew Mike loved cookies but OH BOY was he excited when he got home. I don't think I've ever seen him drive so fast or get home so quickly from work. You would have thought I had given this man a thousand dollars. After today, I think I'm definitely in the running for Wife of the year this year.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My fridge says it all.

This is on my fridge my family see it daily.And let me tell you they believe it.

Presidents Day

Today was a special day most people had it off.Thank God for all our presidents.Thanks to Pres Obama & Pres Monson.Take time to pray for both of them they need it now more than ever.

The big day has come and gone.

Sis does this look familiar?I think it looks pretty nice. THANKS

Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's here oh boy I'm so ready!!!!!!!!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY everybody.I hope Cupid gets YOU so you can be full of love today.Here are a few things I love most.

1.My Family

2.My Husband

3.My Self

4.My Heavenly Father

5.My Grand Girls Sydney,Alex & Araya

6.Life Itself


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines decorations #2

Here is another decoration I made for the special day.

I am so excited that Valentines Day is only a couple days away.Here are some photos of my decorations.I know that they aren't much but I like them.I try to be cool like Bevy oh well you can't blame me for trying.HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow in Benson BURRRRRR!

We woke up to no power and a lot of the white stuff out side.It was so exciting that I just had to go wake Uncle James and show him.It's been cold all day.The white stuff is GREAT but bring on the sunshine and HURRY.Hey thanks Bev for the help I hope this is working.

New pictures in my living room.

New pictures in my living room.They are so big but I think this wall is perfect for them.Now I want to get new funiture and work the colors with the pictures.Decorating just isnt my thing can you tell?

I did it all by my self !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my new shower rod in my bathroom. Of course its not as good as Bev's BUT I'm new at this stuff.

Good times with araya & tammy.

Can you believe how cute this little girl is?We had such a good time with Tammy and Araya that I couldn't find enough time in a day to spend with her.I would catch my self waiting for her to wake up so we could play again.She is such a good baby that she is always playing or smiling.If she cry ed she was either wet hungry,or sleepy.Thank you Tammy for all the fun I had this weekend.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Take this job and shove it!!!!!!!!

Yes it's true I'm through working for awhile.I'm going to clean house and exercise a bit.I've been riding my bike to the cattle guard and back.The first couple of times I thought I was going to die and pass out but I made it and I hope I can keep it up. I'm going to Florida in a couple of weeks. Then I'll look for a job.I've had a couple off job offers already but we'll see.

Monday, February 2, 2009

February is for LOVERS!!!!!!!

Oh Goodie it's finally February.I love February because of Valentines Day.I bet my honey goes out and gets me some diamonds or chocolates "just what my waist line needs" or gives me $ to go shop for BIGGER cloths. OK enough of that stuff. What did you think of the SUPER BOWL game wasn't it great? I Loved it even if we didn't win.The snacks were good too.Well I hope all you girls out there get what you want and DESERVE from you sweet hearts. See ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!