Saturday, January 17, 2009

Girls just wanna have fun.... part 2

What do you get when you put Nana, Roxanne, Sydney and Alex, in Tuesday mornings after a little too much soda pop and snacks? You get one wild, hilarious, hat trying on party. We had so much fun just goofing around in the store. Good thing we left our drinks in the car or they probably would have come out our noses!

Can you say Griswold? That's me, wearing the famous Clark Griswold hat. Now if I could just remember where I parked my R.V.

Like Alex would ever hurt a fly. What a sweet looking boxer!

Sydney doesn't even have a bike. Maybe she'll wear her hat to school on the bus so she can show all her friends.

Chim Chimney Chim, Chim Chimney Chim, Cha Roo! Hmmmm, good thinking, maybe I should become a Chimney sweep!

All in all we had a very fun filled weekend. Next time, party at Nana's house!

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